Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Homemade Laundry Soap

Did you know that it's about 1/10 of the regular price to make your own laundry soap? I haven't tried my soap out yet, but I got this recipe from a gal who makes her own laundry soap regularly. She says it works just as well as store boughten detergent.

Homemade Laundry Soap

1 C. Washing Soda (Arm & Hammer, NOT baking Soda)
1/2 C. Borax (20 Mule Team)
1 bar Fels Napatha Soap
About 3 gallons of warm water
4-5 gallon bucket

Pour 3 gallons of warm water in 4-5 gallon bucket. Pour washing soda and Borax into the bucket with water and stir. Grate soap bar (the same way you would grate cheese). Boil 4 cups water on stove. After water comes to a boil, turn down and simmer while adding grated bar of soap. Add soap slowly to make sure it dissolves. Stir for a long time until dissolved and add to the bucket of water, washing soda, and borax. Stir together. Set out over night without lid on. It will set to a Jell-O like substance. Stir as needed. Use about 1 cup to your load of laundry.

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