What do you do when you recieve 8 mangoes in your produce co-op basket? You make smoothies, add mangoes to your salads, and look for recipes to use the other mangoes. I found two different recipes for mango mousse in my cookbooks. In comparing the recipes I discovered that they were pretty close, so I took what I thought was the best from both recipes. So not only did I try a new recipe this week I altered it. The result..... A DEFINITE SUCCESS!!! Here are some pictures of my mango mousse....Thanks hubby for making my new dessert look even more amazing with your amazing photography skills!
3 ripe mangoes, seeded, peeled, and cut up (3 cups)
1/3 cup sugar
1 teaspoon unflavored gelatin
2 teaspoons lemon juice
1 cup whipping cream
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
sliced strawberries
1. Chill a medium mixing bowl and the beater of an electric mixer.
2. In a food processor bowl or blender container place 2 cups of the mangoes. Cover and prcess or blend until smooth. You shoule have 1 cup of puree; set aside.
3. In a sauce pan combine sugar and gelatin. Stire in 1/4 cup COLD water. Cook and stir over a low heat just until glatin dissolves. Remove from hear. Stir in mango puree; add lemon juice; cool mixture to room temperature.
4. In the chilled bowl bear whipping cream and vanilla extract with and electric mixer on low speed until soft peaks form (tips curl). Using a rubber spatula, fold mango mixture into whipped cream [I didn't think the mixture looked smooth enough so I beat it fluffy again with the electric mixer.] Chill until mixture mounds when spooned.
5. Divide the mango mixture into dishes [I used glasses], and add layers of mangoes and strawberries, and blackberries. Cover and chill for 4 hours or until set.
I make a raw food mango fruit tart. Cut up some fresh mango, then take some dried mango and soak it for 10 minutes in water to soften it. Whir it all together in a food processor and blender to get it really smooth. Eat as is or use as a topping on a tart base that contains walnut, medjol dates, coconut and some agave nectar (all spun together in a food processor and patted out into a tart dish). Sooooo delicious. Hooray for mangoes!