Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Mason Jar: Most Embarrassing Teen Moment

" What was your most really embarrassing moment as a teenager?"

I believe that teenagers have a lot of embarrassing moments; it comes with the territory. It's the age where you start to really care what others think about you. As a theatre geek, you wouldn't expect that I would get embarrassed easily. Despite what my brothers may think I did get embarrassed as a teen. Most of my embarrassing moments come from not processing my thoughts before I act. 

During the final dress rehearsal for Footloose, my senior year, all of us female principle characters decided that we'd attempt the final scene without our microphones. We decided that there wasn't a good, discret place to put our mics on our final costumes. We finished up our last scene and then waited for notes from our directors. One of the notes included that the girls need to wear their mics in the last scene. Being the oldest of the girls, I felt it was my job to speak up.

"Mr. M? Where are we going to put our mics so the audience won't see them? Our formal dresses don't exactly have pockets."

Mr. M, bravely responded, "Well, then, drop it down the front," as he pantomimed dropping something down the front of a dress. 

I am not a "well endowed" girl, and without thinking I shouted, "There's no where to drop it to!" 

The auditorium went dead silent. Over a hundred teenagers and you could have heard a pin drop. Then the laughter started to roll forward. I sunk in my seat, and nearly crawled underneath it. Needless to say, a teen, who is self conscious about her body, should think before she announces her insecurities to a whole auditorium.

P.S. What I lacked in front I made up for with my long, red hair. We ended up clipping my mic to the back of my dress and letting my mane of curls hide what my dress bodice could not.

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