Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Home on the Range: Game for 3...WRONG!

Despite what the box may say you do not need three players to play Settlers of Catan. Perhaps it is more exciting to play with 3-4, but it is still fun and totally possible to play with just two people. We just recently acquired the game and we really wanted to play it. The first time we played we had a third player... we both took turns playing for the third player. It was confusing trying to remember who we had just rolled for... our selves or our invisible friend. So last night for family night we just played again.. just us two and without an invisible friend. Have you ever played a game with less players than the box suggested?


This is my game face....hidden. I don't want to reveal what I'm thinking!

Are you sure you want to do that?

I didn't think so :)


  1. We tried this once but weren't very convinced. Congrats on making it work! And nice apartment! We lived there once!

  2. Next time call is and we'll be your not so invisible friends!

  3. This is my favorite game! :) I love Settlers!

