I've spent the last week and a half packing and cleaning, cleaning and packing. We are leaving Idaho. I've basically always lived in Idaho, with the exception of 3 months in Arizona and 10 weeks in Minnesota. Utah isn't that far away, but I've never lived there before. So that makes this move a first! Hubby is graduating and we are moving to Utah where I have a teaching position at a high school. This marks the close of our college life chapter and the beginning of a new chapter (I don't know what to call this next chapter.)
Tomorrow: Hubby graduates from the university.
Tomorrow: we cram the remainder of our belongings into his parents' monster van and our car. Tomorrow: we leave the apartment we've lived in the longest.
Tomorrow: We say goodbye to friends. Tomorrow: we end a chapter in our lives.
Next week: we start a new chapter in our lives.
Next week: we go on a road trip along the western coast.
Next week: new adventures await!
Next month: I start my first teaching job!
Next month: We look for a new apartment
Next month: Hubby finds a job (hopefully!)
Next year: I have no idea.
That sounds crazy. I bet you have been up to boxes like you show in your drawing... (I like it!)