Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Nursery Rhyme Paintings

I recently found a couple of vintage nursery rhyme prints that I absolutely loved. I wanted to recreate the prints, but use a different medium and color scheme. The paintings on the left and the right are based off of the original illustrations by Ethel Schacherer, from the 1920's and 1930's. The painting in the middle is my own creation done in Ethel Schacherer's style. I used water colors and pen as my medium for these paintings. I'm looking forward to mating and framing them and displaying them in my own home. Thank you Ethel Schacherer for inspiring me with your artwork! Images of her original work can be found at . Thank you Angelina La Dawn for introducing me to Ethel's work. Also, thank you Renee for the idea of painting Little Miss Muffet as my original piece in Ethel's style.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Mason Jar: Some times I swear....

"Did you ever get in trouble for swearing? What is the story?"

My family ate dinner together basically every night of my childhood. Dinner discussions ranged from things the kids did at school to things that were happening in the area or on our farm. Being six years younger than my siblings and only two years old I didn't always contribute much to the dinner time meal. I usually hadn't spent my day at school or out on the farm. I spent my time at home or with my grandma who live half of a mile away and who was our closest neighbor. In spite of my young age and limited daily experiences to share, there is one family dinner time story about me that is told on a frequent basis. 

Everyone was talking at the table, passing food around, and eating one of the meals my mother so loving made for our family. Sometimes when you are two years old you drop things. I dropped my fork. "Damn it, " I said in my gruff little voice. The meal time commotion stopped. Complete. Silence. My brothers, around 11 and 13 year old,  couldn't hold it back any longer and burst out laughing. And how did my mom respond? Did she scold me? Wash my mouth out with soap? Her response? Fighting back laughter and asking, "You spent the day at Grandma's didn't you?" 

Oh, Grandma. We miss you... even if you accidentally taught me to swear :).